Thursday, April 12, 2012

Is It Worth Investing in New iPad 3?

Many people often get tempted to buy new and expensive handsets believing that it would add to their status, without even verifying whether it really worth the money or not. You can certainly go for it if you have enough money to spend for the latest Apple gadget and get it into your possession as a status symbol. 

The latest iPad3 may be the coolest gadget around at the moment, but it is not the best reason to discard your current tablet and invest in a highly expensive one. Give a serious thought to it and decide whether you would like to stand in a long queue and spend so much of your hard-earned money just because the world has gone crazy about it ! First of all, decide what purpose an iPad 3 would serve for you? Just because it is a 21st century device by Apple doesn’t always mean that you should be tempted to buy one without knowing its real purpose in your day to day activities.

Few reasons to check your tablet temptations:

Below are some justifications that I have put here to help you understand why you need to resist yourself from the cultural and technological pull.

1. Device is not Pocket-friendly:

  • Go for a cheaper device like Kindle Fire available at $200.
  • In case, you need to use tablet mostly at home, go for an inexpensive Wi-Fi-only tablet.
  • Low-priced Android tablets with lower resolution are still a better alternative option for casual web surfing, checking email or reading an e-book.

2. iPad 2 --- Still a Better Choice:

Do you really want to throw out your iPad2 that was a state-of the art device till a few weeks ago just because it’s got an updated version? Come on, its not as old as your old vintage car. You should feel fine about your current iPad 2 or get a new one at a discount of $100. Buying a refurbished iPad 2 to save $150 will not be a bad idea at all.

3. Apple's Ecosystem --- A Great Disadvantage:

There are some disadvantages of the Apple ecosystem which may make you think twice before going for a Apple gadget.
  • Music, movies or books bought in iTunes will play only on Apple hardware and using them on any other operating system would erase all your media content.
  • Android and Microsoft Windows Phone gives you better device flexibility and a number of media purchase options. It gives you freedom to play media bought from any source.

4. iPad3 or iP3 --- Not Ideal for Kids:

Followings are some of the real drawbacks that have made iPad 3 unsuitable for children.
  • Do your children really need such an expensive toy as iPad3?
  • Its sharper small text are not suitable for large type-size, image-based kid activities.
  • They are also not capable of using the sophisticated gaming or productivity apps provided by iP3's improved A5X chip.
  • Children will not be able to enjoy iP3's key upgrade benefit.
  • iP3 higher resolution advantages are not meant for kids.

5. Is There Any Real Purpose of Buying an iPad3:

An iPad 3 is neither a necessity item, nor a utility device, i.e. you don’t actually need to spend a hefty price around $499-$829 for an iPad 3 for watching T.V, reading books or social networking or to listen music even though you will get all such features in this single portable device.

Have you invested in new iPad 3? Is it worth investing in a new iPad 3. Please share your views in the comment.


Author Bio: Sienna Williams is a professional writer from the UK having 10 years of experience about writing on mobile phone related topics like mobile phone reviews and deals, tips on the UK and tips on Recycle Mobile Phone, how to get cash from old mobile etc., which help people to get the best deals for new phone as well as comparison of the latest gadgets to invest.