Saturday, March 26, 2011

Ringtone Downloads – 8 Signs of A Reliable Site

Just like any website, when downloading ringtones, there are a number of indicators that will let you know that the website and the company is safe and credible to use. Let's take a look at them.
  • Support from carriers. Say you are in Australia, and you plan to download some tone for your phone, the website should have a good proportion if not all of the carriers in your country. This means that the tone download company has been approved by all those operators – as they are the ones collecting the money, and they don't want the hassle of any dodgy business.
  • Contact number. Knowing the website has supplied a contact number means a lot more than just knowing you can call them. That phone number will be in someone's or a business name, and it is a way to verify the company status.
  • Company name. Official company name in your country means that the company must be registered and there is a wealth of information available if you wish to look up any business in Australia.
  • They spell out the deal. Sure there will be some marketing, and some offers that look good to get your attention, but at the point of purchase, you will be able to see the full details of what you are signing up for. Read everything carefully.
  • Facebook and Twitter profile. As the importance of Facebook increases, this is a good way for a pay-for-download site to build up their credibility. You will see what other users say and because of the community nature of Facebook, problems are raised where many people can comment. If they are doing credible business they will be present and open for discussion and a part of the community. Facebook and Twitter allow rapid communication amongst a large amount of people, and if someone is up to something suspicious, news travels fast. Without these, you want to think twice.
  • Good FAQ. Not just good Frequently Asked Questions, but a good bunch of answers for them will give you an indication that the company is on the up and up. You should find all the answers that you are looking for.
  • Easy way to cancel the service. Any company that asks you to join an ongoing service will have an easy way for you to cancel it. This will be clear and simple to do. A great indicator of a reliable site an company.
  • Smooth and easy to use site. Professional tend to do a better job in all areas of their business. Those who focus on scamming don't normally put in the effort to make their site as smooth and simple to use. On the other hand, this can be a very misleading point. Again, a good site is not just the way it looks, it is how well you can use it. All of the points mentioned above will make it a better site, especially if it is easy to find them. Navigate the site for a few minutes, and if everything is there that you are looking for without a load of clicks, then you know you are on the right track.
If you are going to download a ringtone, have a good read of the website. All the information that you require will be there, and a good indicator of a reputable company. If anything is missing, then you know they are not reliable – it is that simple.